Did it take a huge crash to remind me the 2021 Tour de France is underway? Yes, but I will still pile on (see what I did there) the lady with the sign who caused said crash, then fled the country before she could be tracked down and held accountable for her part in the melee.
Even if you've only watched short clips and TikTok videos of this race, you'll know it's amazing this doesn't happen more often. Spectators are everywhere, and fans of the Tour de France are a crazy bunch. Think about the giant party that's RAGBRAI, then put it beside winding mountain roads where cyclists are racing at top speeds in large packs...and that's the Tour de France.
Race officials want to sue Sign Lady to send a message that holding up a sign saying hi to grandma in the middle of the road won't be tolerated. But she's MIA....stay tuned to see if they find her.
Photo: Getty Images