A bolt of lightning hit a man who was sitting at his desk inside his garage.
The bolt of lightning hit the sidewalk outside of the shop and caused damage to wires and different electronics in the shop
At the urging of firefighters, the shop owner went to the hospital and found out he too had suffered electric shock
Nick Gemayel was at work at his Rochester AutoWerks garage when it started storming. Considering he was inside sitting at his desk, he probably didn't think he needed to worry. Then, a bolt of lightning struck the sidewalk right outside the shop.
“I saw from the light switch, a very, extremely, bright flash of light,” Nick remembers, “and the loudest noise, like, ‘crack’ or ‘pop’ I've ever heard in my life. Then I was in a black room all of a sudden because all the power went out."
Damage included burned out wires, phones and computers going down, and, surprisingly, Nick himself. At the urging of firefighters who saw the bolt land, Nick went to the hospital and discovered he had suffered electric shock, which caused a breakdown in his muscle tissue “Honestly, I'm just happy to be alive," he says. “And I am still kind of in shock over the whole thing to be honest with you."