I'm Obsessed With This Dave Grohl Bee Gees Cover

I've always been a fan of Nirvana, and then the Foo Fighters, but it took going to a Foo Fighters concert with my husband to really solidify my obsession with Dave Grohl. If you were at their last concert in Des Moines, you know it was a terrible concert to attend if you wanted to *hear* Dave Grohl, because he'd all but lost his voice before the concert that night.

However, if you wanted to *see* what an amazing showman and musician Dave Grohl is, it was the perfect night to be there. He acknowledged his sh*tty voice. He shredded the guitar. He played drums (OMG OMG OMG). I thought it was an amazingly imperfect, perfect concert. And now we've got Dave Grohl convering the Bee Gees' "You Should Be Dancing". You can hear it right HERE. I'm obsessed. Enjoy!!

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