Food: Kid's Favorite Halloween Candy Is Peanut Butter Cups

Don't buy your Halloween candy now. You'll just wind up eating the entire bag in a moment of deep, deep shame and then you'll have to go buy more next month.

But when you do buy your Halloween candy this year . . . here's what kids actually want.

According to a new survey of kids ages eight to 17, Reese's Peanut Butter Cups are the most popular . . . by far. They got 18% of the vote, which is more than double the next runner up.

The 10 most popular are: Reese's Peanut Butter Cups . . . Snickers . . . Twix . . . Kit Kat . . . M&M's . . . Nerds . . . Butterfinger . . . Sour Patch Kids . . . Skittles . . . and Hershey bars.

Tootsie Rolls came in last in the survey with just 1% of the vote. Candy corn and Smarties tied for second-worst . . . they each got 2%. 

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(Here's a chart showing all of the candies, and their popularity with different ages.)

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